The Magnificent Art of Pokemon Go Streaming On Samsung Galaxy F54 5G? | Dr.fone

The Magnificent Art of Pokemon Go Streaming On Samsung Galaxy F54 5G? | Dr.fone

Nova Lv12

The Magnificent Art of Pokemon Go Streaming On Samsung Galaxy F54 5G?

There’s no denying that the internet gives us the power to do almost anything. Imagine we can instantly connect to the rest of the world by doing nothing but simply going online. That’s why most of us capitalize on this privilege and take advantage of its benefits. How so? One way is through video live streaming. All it takes to stream video online is a little dose of confidence and a stable internet connection. It’s just as simple as that most of the time.

Pokemon Go streaming is very popular on the internet nowadays. Many players around the world go live while catching Pokemon in the streets or battling against other trainers. By far, the Pokemon Go live stream continues to receive support and appreciation from the huge communities of players worldwide. That’s why you should look at this opportunity and see how it can significantly elevate your Pokemon Go experience.

In this article, we will talk about the amazing benefits of Pokemon Go streaming. We will also provide a guide and some tips on how to livestream Pokemon Go outdoors and indoors. Continue reading below to learn more.

Things You Need to Know About Pokemon Go Streaming

In all actuality, Pokemon Go streaming is not different from other forms of live game streaming. You just play the game as usual and interact with your viewers throughout the duration. However, we cannot deny that Pokemon Go streaming has a more challenging format compared to others. Why so? Simply because the game itself requires large body movements and a few physical activities. But don’t sweat it. Streaming Pokemon Go online comes with tons of benefits. Check out the list below to find what exactly you can get from this endeavor.

It can provide an alternative source of income

pokemon go streaming live

We all know that video content online can be monetized through in-feed advertisements and sponsorships. The same thing goes for Pokemon Go streaming. You can earn a specific amount from every ad that appears on your livestream. Don’t worry. It doesn’t take much time and effort to implement. Most of the time, you just need to flash the promotional materials during the broadcast.

It can help you meet new friends or even famous people in the industry

It’s not impossible to turn the regular viewers of your Pokemon Go Livestream into real-life friends. As we all know, virtual interaction is indeed a powerful spark that ignites connections between people. Don’t worry. That’s totally fine. In fact, you can take advantage of it to improve your follower count and meet famous people.

It can improve cognitive performance

It’s true to say that multi-tasking is the core of Pokemon Go streaming. Of course, you have to stay focused on the actual game while engaging with your viewers. That seems like a handful of work. But fret not. Juggling multiple tasks one after another is actually beneficial to your health. As you get exposed to such arrangements over and over, your cognitive performance further improves, too.

It can make an ordinary Pokemon Go player go global

global presence

Fate works in mysterious ways. We never know what’s waiting ahead. One day, you’re just an ordinary Pokemon Go player who enjoys catching Pokemon around the neighborhood. The next, you’re a star trainer competing globally for championship events. That’s possible to happen with Pokemon Go streaming as your ultimate stepping stone. Hence, don’t ever underestimate the power of this venture.

How to Live-Stream Pokemon Go on Mobile Phones

The primary mechanics of Pokemon Go involve a lot of outdoor strolling and physical movement. For instance, you have to walk around the street to catch as many Pokemon as possible. Another thing is that you need to visit the physical location of the PokeStops to spin the Photo Disc. Therefore, it’s highly recommended to use mobile devices when streaming Pokemon Go adventures. Don’t fret. Most modern smartphones nowadays are capable of handling such demanding tasks. Do you want to try it now? Here’s a short guide to help you get started.

Check your mobile device and internet connection very well

smartphone and internet power

It’s fair to say that Pokemon Go streaming is not extremely particular when it comes to equipment. You can actually go live under natural daylight and document your adventure as it is. However, keep in mind that you’re simultaneously doing two different tasks in this regard. One is streaming, and the other is playing. Therefore, ensure your mobile device and internet connection can handle heavy workloads as such. A smartphone with 8 GB RAM (or higher) and an internet connection of at least 25 Mbps is highly recommended.

Choose a live-streaming application and create an account

streaming platform

Of course, you can bring a full computer setup outside while exploring around. That’s why you should choose a live-streaming application with features that allow you to broadcast directly on Your Samsung Galaxy F54 5G. Don’t worry. There are lots of choices on the internet. Pick the best one, and then create your Pokemon Go streaming account. Optimize your profile and make sure that the details are complete.

Set up the Pokemon Go Livestream

set up live stream

Set up the livestream accordingly. Start by writing a catchy title for your broadcast. Make sure that it clearly states the content and the intent of your Pokemon Go livestream. After that, add some keywords and specify the language of your stream. Yes. It’s very important because it will help interested viewers find you on the internet. Lastly, check the audio output. Adjust the volume clarity if necessary. Once you’re done, it’s time to hit the Go Live button and say “Hi” to the world.

Start playing Pokemon Go

play pokemon live

Play Pokemon Go as if nobody is watching you online. Simply put, carry on with your usual gaming routine. Don’t let the audience distract you from the game. However, make sure that you interact with them as you go along. Try talking while you’re on the ground and catching Pokemon nearby. Respond to the comments once in a while. The point is that you have to extend the actual Pokemon Go experience to them. Trust yourself. You can definitely do that.

Important Tips When Streaming Pokemon Go Online

The best tip that anyone can give you is to be yourself when you livestream Pokemon Go. Don’t hide behind false pretense just to portray someone you know you’re not. Let your viewers see the real you through the lens of the camera. Certainly, it will eventually help you build a larger and broader viewership over time. Are you looking for some more tips? Check out the list below.

pokemon go livestream tips

  • Consider your safety as the primary priority. Stay alert and keep your essential belongings within your sight. You never know. People with ill intentions are just around the corners of the street. Hence, keep yourself safe from this kind of situation that may put your life in real danger.
  • One way to broaden your online exposure is to go live on a regular and consistent timetable. Plan ahead the exact schedule of your Pokemon Go livestream and announce it on your official social media handles.
  • Adhere to the rules and policies implemented not only by Pokemon Go but also by your chosen platform. Don’t break any of them because such actions can affect your progress as a player and streamer.
  • Take constructive feedback positively. Yes. Expect that once you go live on the internet, you will receive various kinds of reactions from other people. But don’t let them get into your head as much as possible. Keep your head high and work on the improvements at your own pace.

Can You Livestream Pokemon Go Inside Your Home?

Is it possible to livestream Pokemon Go from the comfort of your own home? The short answer is absolutely yes. Indoor Pokemon Go streaming is feasible with the aid of Wondershare Dr.Fone. It offers a powerful Virtual Location feature capable of simulating GPS movements needed in Pokemon Go. Don’t worry. It’s very easy to use. As a matter of fact, beginners can ace it in no time. Here’s a short guide to help you get started.

  • Step 1: Download Wondershare Dr.Fone from its official website. Then, install it on your computer.
  • Step 2: Open the newly installed software on your desktop. Once it fully loads up, connect your smartphone using a data cable. Follow the on-screen instructions to make sure that the connection between the two devices is firm and stable.
  • Step 3: Go to the left-side panel and then click Toolbox. On the main dashboard, click Virtual Location. Let Wondershare Dr.Fone download additional resources if it’s your first time accessing this feature.
  • Step 4: After the download process has been completed, Wondershare Dr.Fone - Virtual Location will then open in a separate window. From there, go to the top-right menu bar and then click One-Stop Route. The starting point for this simulation will be automatically determined based on your current location. If you wish to change it, simply click Teleport Mode on the menu bar and then choose your desired replacement. As for the destination, search for your preferred location or tap anywhere around the map on the screen.

wondershare drfone virtual location

  • Step 5: Calibrate the provided settings according to your liking. Start by specifying your preferred type and number of trips. After that, adjust the movement speed by dragging the slider from left to right. Once you’re done, commence the simulation immediately. Click Move Here. If you wish to reset your inputs, click Clear instead.

adjust movement settings

  • Step 6: Use the map on the screen as your guide to track down the real-time progress of the simulation. If you wish to put the movement on hold for a little while, click Pause. On the other hand, click Clear if you want to start all over again.

movement simulation ongoing


Well, it looks a lot like Pokemon Go streaming is the newest way to enjoy this mobile game. You go live on the internet streaming platform while catching the Pokemon nearby. If you want to elevate your Pokemon Go experience, start streaming your adventure online. Refer to the tutorial and tips above to help you get the ball rolling. Furthermore, download Wondershare Dr.Fone for free on your computer. It has a potent Virtual Location feature that can help you livestream Pokemon Go from the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is set up Wondershare Dr.Fone on your desktop and let it simulate GPS movements based on your inputs. Yes. You can absolutely do that with just the snap of a finger. Therefore, start a Pokemon Go streaming channel today and enjoy a more exciting journey ahead.

How to Get and Use Pokemon Go Promo Codes On Samsung Galaxy F54 5G

The steady increase in the number of Pokemon Go users has simultaneously led to the expansion of the software. And such is the use of Pokemon Go promo codes and Pokemon promo cards. Pokemon Go promo codes are short-time alphanumeric codes that allow you to receive free in-game items, as Pokemon prize cards are awards that are gifted to the players who can intensely beat the Pokemon and knock it out.

Pokemon promo codes or promo cards elevate your game to a whole new level since you will be able to possess the Poke balls, berries, lucky eggs, incense, and other various loots. They will make your game an absolute breeze, and you necessarily won’t move around as you play. Besides, Pokemon promo codes are short-lasting; you, therefore, need to claim them quickly.

This article gives an insight on how to get and use Pokemon Go promo codes and promo cards.

Part 1: How to Get Pokemon Go Promo Codes

Pokemon Go often offers promo codes on special events or after successful partnerships.

The availability of Pokemon promo codes is not constant – They do come and go.

Pokemon promo codes are unpredictable, and so are their rewards. Some promo codes will offer exceptional gifts such as cosmetics, while others may be in-game supplies such as Pokeballs and berries.

Niantic shares some free Pokemon Go promo codes on their official Twitter account. Their official statement on the website says, “Niantic offers a limited supply of one-time use codes in conjunction with special events or sponsored partnerships.”

Pokemon Go also has daily free boxes, the ones you attain at no additional cost.

To check if you have received your daily free boxes, you need to glimpse at your store on a day-to-day basis.

With your free boxes, you can obtain different items.

Part 2: The Latest Active Pokemon GO Promo Codes (January 2024)

The latest active Pokemon Go promo codes are less in number and are not readily available. However, here is the list of functional and usable Pokemon Go promo codes.


Part 3: How to Redeem Pokemon Go Promo Codes

With your Pokemon Go promo code, you can redeem it to get insightful items such as lucky eggs, poke balls, and lure modules, among others. The Android and iOS mobile phones all have different ways of redeeming the promo codes. Android device is through the app itself, while the iOS device is through the Pokemon Go Niantic official website.

 Android devices –

redeem pokemon go promo codes on Android

Step 1. Get to the shop bar

Firstly, in the map view, click on the menu icon. It displays various options. Click on the shop button.

Step 2. Enter your promo code

A text bar is usually at the bottom of your screen—type in your Pokemon promo code.

Step 3. Redeem your promo code

Click on the ‘Redeem’ icon.

iOS devices –

sign with facebook or gmail

Step 1. Log in to the Pokemon Go official website

Here, you first visit the Pokemon Go Niantic official website. Log in with the same credential you access your Pokemon Go account with

Step 2. Enter your promo code

Enter your promo code to the key bar displayed.

Step 3. Redeem your promo code

Hit the ‘Redeem’ icon. A confirmation notification will pop up. It will show all the items you added to your inventory.

Part 4: How to Cheat at Pokemon Go

The Pokemon Go promo code is not usually available at all times. However, this should not limit your play. You don’t necessarily have to move around for you to catch the Pokemon. You can still enjoy playing Pokemon Go in your comfort. You, therefore, have to involve a third-party tool. And the best software tool to use is Dr.Fone - Virtual Location. This tool is an award-winning professional tool that allows you to teleport effortlessly. The key features of Dr.Fone - Virtual Location are:

  • It has instant teleportation. It helps in concealing your GPS location
  • It has a full-screen HD map view
  • It has a joystick tool that comfortably allows you to spoof your location
  • It will enable you to spoof your GRS location with a single click

Faking GPS location in iPhone devices differs from Android devices.

iPhone devices –

Here are the simple steps of using Dr. Fone - Virtual Location in faking your location on Pokemon Go on the iPhone.

Step 1. Launch Dr. Fone Virtual Location to your computer.

install dr. fone to start faking gps

First, download Dr.Fone - Virtual location from their official website. Install and allow it to run on your computer device. Click on the ‘Virtual Location’ option to initiate the process of faking your GPS.

Step 2. Link your iPhone to your computer

connect your phone and start to change location

Using a USB cable, connect your iPhone to your computer system. Hit the ‘Get started’ button to continue.

Step 3. Search for a location

search for a location to fake

Here, you need to search for a suitable location that you would like to teleport to. Hit the ‘teleport’ option from the toolbar at the top-right corner of the interface.

Step 4. Teleport to your desired location

virtual location 04

Various options of places you would like to teleport to will be there on display. You can search for it using the search bar or select one from the displayed list and hit the ‘Go’ icon.

Step 5. Teleport to your chosen location

For you to teleport to your chosen location, you need to drop a pin on your preferred place and hit the ‘Move Here’ icon. Now, you will be able to catch more Pokemon since you have already altered your location.

ideal location

Android Phones –

Faking location on Android phones is undoubtedly more straightforward than on iPhones. In Android phones, hacking the GPS location does not necessarily involve using a computer device.

Here are the simple steps of how to fake your GPS location on Android devices.

Step 1.  Enable the developer options

enable option to let developer mode be turned on

When you want to fake your location to allow you to play Pokemon Go freely, the first thing to do is unlock your developer options settings.

Go to the ‘Setting’ menu, which is usually at the top right corner of your interface. Scroll down and click on the ‘About Phone.’ Search for the ‘Build number’ option and click on it. Tap the build number about five times until a pop-up notification ‘You are now a developer’ appears.

Step 2. Download the Fake GPS Location app to your Samsung Galaxy F54 5G

download the fake gps location on your Android

Go to the Google Play Store and download Fake GPS Location to your Samsung Galaxy F54 5G. Install it and allow it to run on your Samsung Galaxy F54 5G.

Step 3. Allow mock location

wa stickers

To get the Mock Location option, you go back to the ‘Settings’ menu. Scroll down search for ‘Allow Mock Locations’ and turn it on when you find it. Allow mocking of the Fake GPS app.

Step 4. Search for your desired location to fake

Go to your Fake GPS application and search for a preferred location. To initiate the process, hit the ‘Search’ bar.

Step 5. Confirm your new location

search and confirm your new location

Lastly, head back to your Pokemon Go app. There, you can see your new location cast.


All Pokemon promo codes have an expiry time frame. And the time frames are usually shorter. Therefore, you need to use them before their due time elapses. Currently, there are no Pokemon promo codes. And for you to continue playing Pokemon Go, you need to involve a third-party tool, and the best tool to use is Dr. Fone Virtual Location.

How to use Pokemon Go Joystick on Samsung Galaxy F54 5G?

Pokemon Go is one of the most popular augmented reality location-based games that let us catch Pokemons and complete tons of other tasks. Needless to say, there are times when players are not able to go outside to catch Pokemons due to all kinds of reasons. The good news is that you can still play your favorite game using a Pokemon Go joystick. To help you, I will let you know how to fake GPS in Pokemon Go using 3 reliable methods in this post.

Pokemon Go Joystick Hack Banner

Part 1: What’s the Need for a Pokemon Go Joystick?

If you are an avid Pokemon Go player, then you might already know that the game demands us to step outside to catch Pokemons or participate in raids. Sadly, not everyone can travel so much on their own. Therefore, you might consider using a Pokemon Go joystick on iOS/Android under the following circumstances.

  • In the current Covid-19 pandemic, you might be under a lockdown and can’t step out.
  • You could have already explored your nearby areas and would like to catch more Pokemons.
  • There could be any other health or environmental condition, stopping you from going out.
  • The weather outside might not be suitable or safe to explore the Pokemon Go map on your own.
  • Any other possible reason for not being able to travel solely or having enough time to catch Pokemons.

Part 2: Possible Risks for Using a Pokemon Go Joystick

A Pokemon Go spoofing iOS/Android solution can easily change your present location in the game or even simulate your movement. Though, if you use the Pokemon Go joystick app multiple times a day and Niantic detects it, then it can cause some issues.

Please note that the use of any location spoofing or Pokemon Go hack (joystick) is against the terms of Niantic. Therefore, if your account is found using these hacks, then Niantic can display warning messages. If after getting multiple warnings, the hack is still being detected, then it can lead to a temporary or even a permanent ban of your account.

Pokemon Go Warnings

Part 3: How to Fake GPS in Pokemon Go: 3 Foolproof Solutions

Out of all the Pokemon Go joystick and location spoofing solutions, I would recommend trying the following tools.

3.1 Pokemon Go Joystick for iOS (No Jailbreak Needed)

If you are looking for a Pokemon Go spoofing iOS solution, then just give Dr. Fone - Virtual Location (iOS) a try. Without the need for jailbreaking your device, you can spoof your iPhone’s location to anywhere you like. The application can also be used to simulate its movement between multiple spots at a preferred speed.

Besides that, you can also mark any location as favorite or even import/export GPX files using Dr.Fone – Virtual Location. Since the application is extremely easy to use, you don’t have to go through any technical hassle to implement this Pokemon Go joystick iOS solution.

Step 1: Connect your iPhone and launch the application

Firstly, you can just connect your iOS device to the computer and launch Dr.Fone – Virtual Location application. You can agree to its terms of services and click on the “Get Started” button now.

virtual location

Step 2: Spoof your iPhone Location to Anywhere you want

Once your iPhone is connected, its present location would automatically be displayed on the screen. To spoof the Pokemon Go location on iOS, select the “Teleport Mode” option and enter the target location’s address/name/coordinates on the search bar.

virtual location 04

Afterward, you can select the target location and the interface would automatically load it. You can now move the pin around and even zoom in/out the map to get the desired spot. Lastly, click on the “Move Here” button to spoof the fake GPS on Pokemon Go.

virtual location

Step 3: Simulate the iPhone Movement with a joystick

To use the Pokemon Go joystick iOS solution, you can select the One-stop or Multi-stop mode from the top. Now, you can drop the pins on the map as per your requirements to set up a route to cover.

virtual location

Afterward, you can enter the number of times you want to cover the route and even set up a preferred speed. Lastly, click on the “March” button to start the simulation on the map. You can also use a joystick at the bottom to move around realistically on Pokemon Go.

virtual location

Video Guide: Teleport to anywhere in the world!

3.2 Use a Pokemon Go Joystick APK for Android Devices

Just like iPhone, Android device owners can also implement these Pokemon Go hacks for location spoofing. From all the available options, you can consider using GPS Joystick by App Ninjas. As the name suggests, the app will enable a GPS joystick that you can use to simulate the movement of your device. It will let you fake GPS on Pokemon Go by entering the target coordinates or its address.

Step 1: Install the Pokemon Go Spoofer APK

To start with, you can just go to the Play Store page of the GPS Joystick app and install it on your device. Later, you can enable the Developer Options on the phone by going to its Settings > About Phone and tapping the “Build Number” field 7 times.

GPS Joystick Android Install

Afterward, go to its Settings > Developer Options and set the Pokemon Go spoofer APK the default mock location app.

Step 2: Set up the preferences to fake GPS on Pokemon Go

Great! Now all you need to do is launch the GPS Joystick app and go to its Settings to spoof your location. Here, you can enter the exact coordinates of the target location to spoof.

GPS Joystick Enter Coordinates

Besides that, you can also tap on the map option to directly enter the address or the name of the target location.

pokemon go joystick

You can further visit the GPS Joystick settings to set up preferred walking, jogging, or running speeds for the simulated movement.

GPS Joystick Set Speed

Step 3: Start simulating the movement on your Android

That’s it! Now, you can just view the GPS Joystick on the map with relevant options. You can start/stop the simulation as per your requirements and even directly enter the coordinates to fake GPS on Pokemon Go.

GPS Joystick Android

3.3 Pokemon Go Joystick Hack for Rooted Android Phones

Lastly, if you have a rooted Android device, then you can also explore tons of options to fake GPS on Pokemon Go. One of them FGL Pro, which is mostly used by experts for location spoofing and movement simulation. Since the Pokemon Go APK download is available for free, you can use the app without any issue. Here’s how you can use this Pokemon Go APK for rooted devices.

Step 1: Install the Pokemon Go Spoofer APK

At first, make sure that your Samsung Galaxy F54 5G is rooted before you install this Pokemon Go APK hack. Later, you can go to its website or any third-party installer to get the location spoofer app.

You can now launch the application and go to its Settings to enable the Root Mode. Also, make it the default mock location app by visiting the Developer Option on your phone.

FGL Pro Root Mode

Step 2: Start Simulating the movement of your Samsung Galaxy F54 5G

Great! Now, you can just launch the FGL Pro app on your phone and tap on the search icon to look for the target location. You can now adjust the location on the map and tap on the Start icon. There will be a GPS joystick location on the map that would let you simulate your movement accordingly on the map.

FBL Pro Fake GPS

Part 4: Tips to Avoid your Pokemon Go Account from Getting Banned

If you want to avoid getting your account banned and still use a reliable spoofing app for Pokemon Go, then consider the following tips:

  • Try not to overly use the Pokemon Go joystick app all the time. It is recommended to use these apps 2-3 times a day only.

  • Always consider the cooldown duration in mind before changing your location. For instance, avoid using the app for a while before moving from one place to another. If you move from London to Tokyo to New York the same day, then your account might get flagged.

  • Try to spoof your location in the same district or state first and wait for a few hours before changing your whereabouts. The following cooldown duration chart would help you determine this in advance.

    Pokemon Go Cooldown Chart

  • Make sure that the Pokemon Go joystick you are using is a reliable solution (like the ones listed above).

  • If you have already got a warning on your Pokemon Go account, then consider creating another account for using any fake GPS Pokemon Go hack instead.

There you go! By now, you would be able to implement these spoofing Pokemon Go tips and tricks. As you can see, there can be so many Pokemon Go spoofing iOS/Android solutions that you can explore. While there are plenty of Pokemon Go spoofer APK tools for Android devices, iOS users can try Dr. Fone - Virtual Location (iOS) . Without the need for jailbreaking your device, it will let you spoof its location and even simulate its movement to catch Pokemons remotely.

Also read:

  • Title: The Magnificent Art of Pokemon Go Streaming On Samsung Galaxy F54 5G? | Dr.fone
  • Author: Nova
  • Created at : 2024-05-19 22:05:32
  • Updated at : 2024-05-20 22:05:32
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.