Guide How To Unbrick a Bricked Lava Yuva 2 Pro Phone | Dr.fone

Guide How To Unbrick a Bricked Lava Yuva 2 Pro Phone | Dr.fone

Nova Lv12

Guide: How To Unbrick a Bricked Lava Yuva 2 Pro Phone

Lava Yuva 2 Pro phones are super popular thanks to their excellent features and affordable prices. But being so popular means people try to customize them with custom software. If you’re not careful, you might have a “bricked” Lava Yuva 2 Pro phone. It won’t work at all. It will be more like a brick than a smartphone.

Don’t worry, though. This guide is here to help. It will show you how to unbrick your phone step by step. You’ll learn to bring your phone back to life and make it work again. So, get started on fixing your bricked Lava Yuva 2 Pro phone by reading this article.

destroyed system xiaomi phone

Part 1. Common Reasons Why Lava Yuva 2 Pro Phones Get Bricked

A bricked phone might sound like a techy term, but it’s pretty simple – when your Lava Yuva 2 Pro phone turns into a lifeless block that won’t do anything. In this section, you’ll learn all about why this happens, so you can avoid these issues and keep your phone alive as long as possible.

android logo head with broken glass

  • Trying to flash incompatible ROMs. Sometimes, people want their Lava Yuva 2 Pro phones to run different software like a custom version of Android called a ROM. But if you use the correct ROM for your specific phone, it can mess things up nicely. Also, inexperience with ROM flashing can hard brickyour Lava Yuva 2 Pro Be sure to follow guides and ask for community help online.
  • Rooting mishaps/failures.“Rooting” means giving your phone superpowers, but if you mess up, it can go wrong. Your phone might not boot up, leaving you with a brick. Like the previous bullet, follow guides carefully, especially if inexperienced.
  • Failed Firmware Updates. When your phone asks you to update its software, following the instructions carefully is essential. If you interrupt the process or something goes wrong, your phone could be bricked.

Now, you must know about soft and hard-bricking to learn how to diagnose your phone. Soft bricking is like a phone’s bad day – it might not start up. However, with the right help, you can fix it. Hard bricking is worse. It’s when your phone is a paperweight – it won’t turn on, respond, or do anything useful.

Part 2. Method 1: Use the Lava Yuva 2 Pro Flash Tool To Recover Bricked Lava Yuva 2 Pro Phones

Say you’ve accidentally bricked your Lava Yuva 2 Pro phone due to rooting or ROM flashing. You might feel scared, but imagine having a magic wand that can fix your bricked phone. That’s what the Lava Yuva 2 Pro Flash Tool is –a dedicated Lava Yuva 2 Pro unbricking tool. It lets you install or flash different software onto your phone, giving it a fresh start. Most of the time, a simple firmware flash will unbrick your Lava Yuva 2 Pro.

The Lava Yuva 2 Pro Flash Tool is a superhero for various situations. Here are some scenarios where it can save the day:

  • **Device Recovery.**If your phone is bricked or acting strange, the Flash Tool can help bring it back to life.
  • Firmware Updates. You can use it to install official updates released by Lava Yuva 2 Pro, ensuring your phone runs smoothly.
  • **Device Customization.**Want a different look for your phone? The Flash Tool can help you install custom ROMs or themes.
  • **Bug Fixes.**Got pesky bugs or glitches? The Flash Tool can replace corrupted software to make your phone behave.
  • Performance Enhancement. If your phone feels sluggish, the Flash Tool can boost its speed by flashing a new OS.

How To Use the Lava Yuva 2 Pro Flash Tool To Unbrick a Lava Yuva 2 Pro Phone

Now that you know what the Lava Yuva 2 Pro Flash Tool is all about, it’s time to learn how to use it. If you’ve bricked your Lava Yuva 2 Pro phone, follow the steps below:

  • Step 1. Download the Lava Yuva 2 Pro Flash Tool and the stock firmware of your device on your computer.
  • Step 2. Turn off your phone. Then, press and hold the Volume Down + Power Key simultaneously for 6-8 seconds. This will force your phone to enter the Fastboot mode.

xiaomi press hold buttons together

  • Step 3. Connect your phone to your computer using a cable when you see this screen flash.

xiaomi fastboot screen

  • Step 4. Using the Lava Yuva 2 Pro Flash Tool, click Select. Then, locate the firmware files you downloaded earlier.

xiaomi flash tool browse for folder menu

  • Step 5. Click the refresh button until the flash tool recognizes your device. Then, click flash to replace the firmware. A text saying “success” should appear under the result column.

xiaomi flash tool success screen

Congratulations! Your phone should be up and working after following these steps.

Part 3. Method 2: Wondershare Dr.Fone System Repair – Your One-Stop Shop for Unbricking Your Lava Yuva 2 Pro Phone

If you gave the Lava Yuva 2 Pro Flash Tool a shot and your phone is still not cooperating, don’t lose hope. Sometimes, the magic touch needs a slight variation. That’s where Dr.Fone comes into play. This dedicated software can work wonders when fixing various phone problems. It can even help in cases of bricked Lava Yuva 2 Pro phones involving software or firmware issues.

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Dr.Fone - System Repair (Android)

Repair Android System Errors without Any Trouble.

  • Fix your Android to normal, no skills required.
  • Fix various Android system issues, stuck in boot loop , black screen , or won’t turn on , looping on start, etc.
  • The high success rate in resolving Android system issues.
  • Compatible with a wide range of Android devices and OS versions
  • User-friendly interface with easy-to-follow steps.

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One of Dr.Fone’s most astonishing powers is its “System Repair” feature. This is where the real magic happens. If your Lava Yuva 2 Pro phone is bricked, it can help repair the underlying software glitches that caused the issue. Moreover, Dr.Fone brings a toolbox of features to the table, making it more than just a one-trick pony. Here are its key features:

  • **Data Recovery:**If you’ve lost precious data, Dr.Fone can help recover it, even from a bricked phone.
  • **Data Transfer:**You can quickly move data between devices, even if one is unresponsive.
  • **System Backup & Restore:**Fone can help you create a backup of your phone’s system and restore it when needed.
  • **Unlocking Tools:**If you’re locked out of your phone, Dr.Fone can help you regain access.

How To Use Dr.Fone System Recovery Feature To Unbrick a Lava Yuva 2 Pro Phone

Now that you know about Dr.Fone, it’s time to understand how to use it. Hopefully, it can save your bricked Lava Yuva 2 Pro phone from its problems. Follow the steps below:

  • Step 1. DownloadDr.Fone from its official website , and launch it on your computer. After entering the Toolbox menu from the left panel, click System Repair. Make sure that your Lava Yuva 2 Pro phone is connected.
  • Step 2. Select Android on the next screen.

wondershare dr.fone phone os chooser

  • Step 3. Initiate the Android System Repair by clicking Start.

wondershare dr.fone system repair start screen

  • Step 4. Confirm your device details. You can edit any details that might be wrong.

wondershare dr.fone device details confirmation

  • Step 5. Put your phone into Download mode. Follow the guidelines for phones with or without home buttons. Your phone will begin downloading the dedicated firmware.

wondershare dr.fone download mode tutorial

  • Step 6. After downloading the firmware, verify and proceed with the installation by clicking Fix Now. Confirm firmware installation by typing “000000” into the text box in the appearing window. Click Confirm afterward.

wondershare dr.fone initiate system repair

  • Step 7. After the process is finished, your phone should now be okay. Click Done.

wondershare dr.fone success screen

Part 4. Best Practices/Tips Before Unbricking Your Phone

Before diving into the unbricking process, you must arm yourself with some tips and precautions to ensure your recovery journey is as smooth as possible. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Backing Up Data: An Ounce of Prevention. Remember the golden rule: always back up your data before attempting any phone recovery. Unbricking might save your phone, but being safe is better than sorry.
  • **Authentic Tools and Software: Stay on the Safe Side.**Using genuine and trustworthy tools is crucial when unbricking your Lava Yuva 2 Pro This applies especially to Dr.Fone, which you should only download from the official website. Additionally, when recovering your phone’s software, use authentic Lava Yuva 2 Pro ROMs (the operating system’s files).
  • **Learning from Online Guides and Communities: Seek Guidance.**Navigating the unbricking process might seem daunting, but you’re not alone. There are many online guides, tutorials, and communities where people share their experiences and solutions.


So, there you have it – your guide to fixing a bricked Lava Yuva 2 Pro phone. Remember, bricking happens when your phone stops working. You won’t be afraid when that happens, as you learned about the Lava Yuva 2 Pro Flash Tool and Dr.Fone. They are your phone-saving superheroes that can unbrick even a hard-bricked Lava Yuva 2 Pro phone.

As a parting reminder, always keep a tool ready for emergencies. For this, choose Dr.Fone. It’s a super tool for all your phone problems. Give it a shot and be confident with your phone wherever you go and whatever you do with it.

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Why Is My Lava Yuva 2 Pro Offline? Troubleshooting Guide

Ever had your Lava Yuva 2 Pro claim it’s offline, leaving you scratching your head about where it went wrong? We get it; it’s confusing. That’s why this article is here to untangle the mystery.

In the following sections, we’re diving into the “why is My Lava Yuva 2 Pro offline” dilemma that many Android users face. We’ll break down the possible reasons behind this common issue and guide you through simple steps on how to fix it. By the end of the article, you’ll be able to get back to smooth internet surfing on your Lava Yuva 2 Pro. Let’s get started.

Part 1: Why Does My Lava Yuva 2 Pro Say Offline?

When you encounter the “offline” error message, it can disrupt your usual smartphone activities. Suddenly, you find yourself unable to browse the internet, send or receive emails, or stay connected through instant messages.

It’s a frustrating scenario, but let’s break down the potential reasons why your phone might be displaying this offline status:

  1. Enabling Airplane mode

Why is My Lava Yuva 2 Pro showing offline? Well, one common culprit behind the “offline” message is the accidental activation of Airplane Mode on your Lava Yuva 2 Pro. When Airplane Mode is enabled, it disconnects your phone from all wireless networks, rendering it unable to connect to the internet or cellular networks.

  1. Internet connection issues

Fluctuations in your signal strength or unexpected data loss can also be the culprit behind the “Why is My Lava Yuva 2 Pro offline?” problem. Android devices rely on stable internet connections, and disruptions, whether temporary or prolonged, can lead to this error.

  1. Glitches or bugs

Sometimes, glitches or bugs in Google apps installed on your Lava Yuva 2 Pro can mislead it into thinking it’s offline. Google Play Services or other related applications may encounter issues, causing the phone to display an “offline” message.

  1. Firewall restrictions

In some cases, a firewall on your Lava Yuva 2 Pro might be overly restrictive, preventing the Lava Yuva 2 Pro device from establishing a connection to the internet. This security measure, intended to protect your device, can sometimes go overboard and disrupt normal online functionality.

Now, you have understood the potential causes as the first step toward resolving the issue. Next, we’ll guide you through the process of troubleshooting and getting your Lava Yuva 2 Pro back online.

Phone offline on Android

Part 2: How To Fix “Phone Offline” With Internet Connection Problem

Now that we’ve figured out why your phone says it’s offline, let’s tackle the issue head-on. If you’re facing problems like downloads that won’t start, Google Play stuck on “Loading…,” or web pages refusing to load, chances are it’s an internet connection issue causing the problem.

Here are some easy solutions to get your connection back.

Solution 1: Change connection to mobile data

Switching to mobile data can be a quick fix if your Wi-Fi is acting up. It ensures a change in your connection source and might resolve the “Phone offline” issue. Follow these easy steps to change your connection to mobile data:

  • Step 1: Swipe down from the top of your screen to access the Quick Settings menu.
  • Step 2: Tap the Wi-Fi icon to turn off the Wi-Fi connection.
  • Step 3: Tap Mobile Data to turn it on.

Change connection to mobile data

Solution 2: On and off Airplane mode

Airplane Mode can sometimes cause connectivity confusion. Turning it off and on essentially resets your phone’s wireless connections, which might resolve the offline issue.

How to on and off Airplane mode on Android:

  • Step 1: Swipe down from the top of your screen to access the Quick Settings menu.
  • Step 2: Look for the Airplane Mode icon and tap the icon to turn on Airplane Mode.
  • Step 3: Wait a few seconds, then tap it again to turn off the Airplane Mode. Now, check if your phone is now online.

On and off the Airplane mode

Solution 3: Reset network settings

Resetting network settings can help eliminate any configuration glitches that might be causing the phone offline problem. It’s like giving your phone’s connection settings a fresh start.

To reset your network settings, the steps may differ depending on the phone model you are using. However, you can generally do so by looking for the “Network” settings.

  • Step 1: Open your phone’s Settings > Connection & sharing.
  • Step 2: Find and select “Reset Wi-Fi, mobile networks, and Bluetooth.”
  • Step 3: Tap “Reset Settings” and confirm the action and allow your phone to reset.
  • Step 4: Reconnect to your Wi-Fi and check if the issue persists.

Reset the network settings on Android

Solution 4: Restart your Wi-Fi router

Sometimes, the problem might not be with your phone but rather with the Wi-Fi router. Restarting it can refresh the connection and potentially resolve the connectivity problem.

How to restart your Wi-Fi router:

  • Step 1: Locate your Wi-Fi router.
  • Step 2: Turn off the router using the power button or unplug it.
  • Step 3: Wait for about 10–15 seconds before plugging the router back in or turning it on.
  • Step 4: Allow the router to restart and establish a connection. Then, check if your phone still shows the “Phone Offline” message.

These solutions should cover the most common connectivity issues. If the problem persists, we’ll explore further steps in the following sections.

Part 3: How To Fix “Phone Offline” Despite Having an Internet Connection

Ever found it odd to receive the frustrating offline error message when you’re sure your internet connection is up and running? If you’ve double-checked your internet connection and your phone still says it’s offline, the issue may lie within your browser, apps, or device settings.

In this part, we’ll answer the question “**Why does My Lava Yuva 2 Pro say offline android?**” despite a seemingly functional internet connection. Then, let’s see other solutions on how to get your device back to its online, fully functional self.

Solution 1: Clear Google Chrome’s cache and data

Sometimes, the answer to “Why is my Android phone offline” can be attributed to a buildup of corrupted or outdated data in your browser’s cache. Clearing the cache and data for Google Chrome can resolve this issue, allowing for a fresh start and potentially eliminating the offline status.

How to clear your browser’s cache and data on Android:

  • Step 1: Open the Settings > Apps > Manage Apps.
  • Step 2: Locate and tap “Google Chrome” or your preferred browser in the list of installed apps.
  • Step 3: Tap “Storage” and select “Clear Cache” to remove temporary files.
  • Step 4: Choose “Clear Data” to delete app data. Confirm the action if prompted.

Now, restart Google Chrome and check if the offline error persists.

Clear Google Chrome’s cache and data

Solution 2: Re-install Google Chrome

If clearing the cache and data didn’t solve the offline issue, reinstalling Google Chrome can be the next step. A fresh installation can eliminate any underlying glitches or corrupted files that might be causing the persistent offline status.

How to re-install Google Chrome:

  • Step 1: Visit the Google Play Store and search for Google Chrome.
  • Step 2: Tap “Uninstall” to remove the app from your device.
  • Step 3: Wait until it has finished uninstalling your app. Then, tap “Install” to start reinstalling the app.
  • Step 4: Once the installation is complete, open Google Chrome and check if the offline error persists while browsing.

Re-install Google Chrome on Google Play Store

Solution 3: Repair the system to fix the phone showing offline

When persistent offline issues seem deeply rooted in your device’s system, a comprehensive system repair may be the solution. Wondershare Dr. Fone’s system repair tool is designed to address a range of system problems, providing a reliable way to fix any problem you have with your phone.

With Dr. Fone’s system repair tool, you can diagnose and resolve “Why is My Lava Yuva 2 Pro offline on Android,” ensuring a smooth and functional Android experience.

Key Features:

  • Comprehensive system repair for any devices
  • User-friendly interface
  • Efficient problem diagnosis

How to use Dr. Fone’s system repair tool:

  • Step 1: Open Dr.Fone’s system repair tool

Start by launching Wondershare Dr.Fone on your computer. Go to the Toolbox section and connect your Lava Yuva 2 Pro. Choose System Repair and pick Android as your device type.

Open Dr.Fone System Repair tool

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  • Step 2: Start the repair

Click Start on the new screen to kick off the repair. Since you’re dealing with an offline connection issue on Android, select System Damage.

Select the problem and begin the repair

  • Step 3: Confirm your device details

The platform will detect your Lava Yuva 2 Pro’s brand. Confirm the Name, Model, Country, and Carrier. If your device is unlocked, choose OPEN in the Carrier section. Agree to the warning, click Next, and proceed with the repair.

Confirm your Lava Yuva 2 Pro’s details

  • Step 4: Download firmware.

Follow the instructions to put your Lava Yuva 2 Pro into Download Mode. Once in Download Mode, you will start downloading the firmware.

Activate Download mode to download the firmware

  • Step 5: Confirm Installation

Remember, the repair may erase data. It’s advisable to back up your data first before starting the repair. Enter “000000” to confirm the repair process, shown by a progress bar. Click Done once it is completed and see if your Android is back online.

Confirm the repair process


Dealing with the “Phone Offline” hiccup on your Lava Yuva 2 Pro can be a real headache. But fear not – we’ve covered a range of solutions to get you back online smoothly. From troubleshooting internet connection problems to addressing browser and app-related glitches, the solutions provided in this guide are designed to cater to a variety of scenarios. If you find it troublesome to try solutions one by one, then we recommend using Dr.Fone directly which is a full toolkit for your phone and can help resolve most device glitches one-off.

Remember, technology can sometimes be tricky. But with patience and the right guidance, you can overcome these challenges.

Why Your Lava Yuva 2 Pro Screen Might be Unresponsive and How to Fix It

This article aims to provide practical solutions for troubleshooting an unresponsive Lava Yuva 2 Pro screen. Whether you’re facing a software glitch or hardware damage, this guide will offer useful tips and tricks to help you resolve the issue and get your device back up and running smoothly.

5 Solutions to Solve Lava Yuva 2 Pro Screen Unresponsive Issues

An unresponsive Lava Yuva 2 Pro screen can be frustrating, but several potential solutions can help. This article will explore five methods for troubleshooting an unresponsive Lava Yuva 2 Pro screen. From force restarting your device to contacting customer service, we’ll cover everything you need to know to get your device back up and running.

1. Force Restart

force restart oppo device

If your Lava Yuva 2 Pro screen is unresponsive, the first thing to try is a force restart. This can help refresh the system and clear any temporary files causing the issue.

Step 1. Press and hold the power button on your Lava Yuva 2 Pro device.

Step 2. When the power options appear, tapRestart.”

Step 3. Hold the power button if the screen is completely unresponsive until the Lava Yuva 2 Pro device shuts down. Then, press and hold the power button to turn the Lava Yuva 2 Pro device back on.

2. Drain the Battery Completely

drain the battery of oppo device

If force restarting doesn’t work, let the battery drain completely. This can help reset the Lava Yuva 2 Pro device and clear any temporary files or processes causing the issue.

Step 1. Leave your Lava Yuva 2 Pro device on until the battery completely drains and the Lava Yuva 2 Pro device shuts down.

Step 2. Connect your device to a power source and turn it back on.

3. Check for Software Updates

software update of oppo device

Sometimes, an unresponsive Lava Yuva 2 Pro screen can be caused by outdated software. Checking for software updates ensures your device runs the latest and most stable operating system version.

Step 1. Go to “Settings“ on your Lava Yuva 2 Pro device.

Step 2. Scroll down and tapSoftware Updates.”

Step 3. If an update is available, tapDownload and Install.”

4. Using Dr. Fone Repair

dr fone system repair feature

Dr. Fone Repair is a professional tool that can help fix a wide range of software issues on your Lava Yuva 2 Pro device. Dr. Fone Repair can be a good option to protect your data and files while troubleshooting an unresponsive Lava Yuva 2 Pro screen.

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Step 1. Download and install Dr. Fone Repair software on your computer.

Step 2. Connect your Lava Yuva 2 Pro phone to your computer using a USB cable.

Step 3. Launch Dr. Fone Repair and select the “System Repair“ option.

Step 4. Choose the “Android Repair“ option from the available choices.

Step 5. Click on “Start“ to begin the repair process.

Step 6. Provide the necessary device information on the screen, including your name and model.

Step 7. ClickNext“ to proceed to the next step.

Step 8. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the repair process for your Lava Yuva 2 Pro phone’s touchscreen.

5. Contact Customer Service

oppo device customer service support

If none of the above solutions work, it may be time to contact Lava Yuva 2 Pro customer service. They can provide additional support and help troubleshoot the issue.

Step 1. Go to the Lava Yuva 2 Pro website and navigate to the “Support“ section.

Step 2. Select your device model and clickContact Us.”

Step 3. Choose your preferred method of contact, such as phone or email, and describe the issue you’re experiencing.

Common Causes of Lava Yuva 2 Pro Screen Unresponsiveness

While Lava Yuva 2 Pro devices offer reliable performance, users may encounter situations where the screen becomes unresponsive or stuck on boot. Soft-bricked software or corrupted firmware can cause an Lava Yuva 2 Pro device to become unresponsive, including the screen stuck on the boot. This can happen to various models, such as the Lava Yuva 2 Pro, A37, A5, and A5s. Software updates and resets can help fix these issues.

Over time, the touch screen of an Lava Yuva 2 Pro device may become unresponsive due to wear and tear. This can happen to models like the Lava Yuva 2 Pro F1s and F3. In this case, replacing the touch screen or seeking professional assistance may be necessary.

Dropping or impacting an Lava Yuva 2 Pro device can cause physical damage to the touch screen, resulting in unresponsiveness. This can happen to various models like the Lava Yuva 2 Pro Reno and Find X. In some cases, the damage may be repairable, but the screen replacement or the Lava Yuva 2 Pro device itself may be necessary in severe cases. Protecting the Lava Yuva 2 Pro device with a case and handling it carefully to prevent physical damage is important.

While Lava Yuva 2 Pro devices are generally reliable, various factors can contribute to screen unresponsiveness. Users can effectively troubleshoot and resolve issues by identifying these potential causes and seeking appropriate solutions.

How to Avoid Lava Yuva 2 Pro Screen Unresponsiveness Issue

One of the most effective ways to prevent Lava Yuva 2 Pro Screen unresponsiveness is by keeping the Lava Yuva 2 Pro device software up-to-date. Regularly checking for system updates and installing them promptly can prevent software issues and potential bugs that may cause unresponsiveness. Additionally, updating device apps can help prevent conflicts that affect the touch screen’s functionality.

Another way to avoid Lava Yuva 2 Pro Screen unresponsiveness is by protecting the Lava Yuva 2 Pro device from physical damage. Using a protective case or screen protector can help prevent cracks or scratches on the screen that can lead to unresponsiveness. Avoiding impacts or drops can also reduce the risk of physical damage to the touch screen.

Installing apps from unknown sources or suspicious websites can expose the Lava Yuva 2 Pro device to malware and viruses, which can cause unresponsiveness and other issues. To avoid this, it’s recommended to only install apps from trusted sources such as the Google Play Store or the Lava Yuva 2 Pro App Store.

Using a reliable tool like Dr. Fone can help prevent Lava Yuva 2 Pro Screen unresponsiveness by allowing you to manage and repair your device’s software and data. With features such as System Repair and Data Backup & Restore, you can quickly diagnose and fix software issues that may cause unresponsiveness and safely back up important data to prevent loss in case of device damage or malfunction.


Lava Yuva 2 Pro Screen unresponsiveness can be a frustrating issue to deal with, but there are solutions available. Force restarting the Lava Yuva 2 Pro device, checking for software updates, using Dr. Fone Repair, and contacting customer service are all effective ways to solve the problem. However, it’s also important to understand the possible causes of the issue, such as soft-bricking or equipment wearing out, and take preventative measures, such as updating your phone on time and avoiding malware. These tips can help prevent Lava Yuva 2 Pro Screen unresponsiveness and keep your device running smoothly.

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  • Title: Guide How To Unbrick a Bricked Lava Yuva 2 Pro Phone | Dr.fone
  • Author: Nova
  • Created at : 2024-03-20 22:30:16
  • Updated at : 2024-03-21 13:22:45
  • Link:
  • License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.
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Guide How To Unbrick a Bricked Lava Yuva 2 Pro Phone | Dr.fone